4 Basics of Hurricane Preparation

It’s time to get ready for hurricane season, which means it’s time to review your hurricane preparation emergency plan. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, and the Pacific season runs from May 15 to November 30.

Because hurricanes can happen with little warning and cannot be prevented, the best time to prepare is now. A level head and confidence in your response are possible in an emergency. Read on for a few need-to-knows of hurricane preparation.

1. Know Your Area’s Risk for Hurricanes

Hurricanes and their devastation do not only occur along the coast. Wind, rain, landslides, flooding, and even tornadoes can affect inland residences. The best hurricane preparation practices include determining your risk so you can adequately prepare based on your location.

2. Create a Hurricane Preparation Emergency Plan

Make a plan for all members of your household, and be sure to make a plan for your pets, too. A good hurricane preparation plan should consist of:

  • Create a paper copy of important family contact information.
  • Practice your household evacuation plan. Your plan should include a designated meeting place should an emergency occur.
  • Learn evacuation roles and responsibilities.

3. Recognize Emergency Warnings and Alerts

Determine how you will receive emergency alerts, and consider signing up for community alerts and real-time notifications on your mobile device. These will help you modify and adapt your emergency plan in the event of an emergency.

Learn emergency terms and what they mean ahead of time. For example, learn the difference between a flood warning and a flood watch and a hurricane warning and a hurricane watch.

4. Gather Emergency Supplies and Resources

Stock your emergency supply kit with the proper materials, such as water, extra cash, and medications. It’s also a good idea to keep personal, medical, and financial records in your emergency supplies to aid in your hurricane preparation emergency plan.

Construct a plan for recovery and cleanup if a hurricane does hit your home or business.

Know Who to Call for Help

EnviroServe is well-equipped to provide flood response services across the United States. When you need to recover from flooding and other natural disasters, we’re here to help.

Contact us at (800) 488-0910 for 24/7 emergency response.

Keeping Safe During Flood Season

Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States, and recent dam failures in Michigan and upcoming Spring storms are good reminders that flood season is upon us. Whether your home, business, or loved ones find themselves in harm’s possible way, take steps now so you know what to do when disaster strikes. The time to prepare for flooding is before the water starts rising.

Have a flood response plan

Establish a communication plan, prepare emergency supplies, and know what you’ll do if there is a flood. What will you take with you? Where will you go? Who will you meet? Know what to do before, during, and after a flood.

React to potential threats quickly

Once your plan is in place, your goal before a flood is to reduce the risk of damage to structures from flooding. You’ll want to know your flood risk and stay informed of potential disasters in your area. As with most natural disasters, you may not have much time to prepare, so react to potential threats quickly.

  1. Know your flood risk.
  2. Stay informed of potential disasters in your area.
  3. Consider sandbagging and mobile dam installations if time and safety permits.
  4. Elevate critical utilities.
  5. Move furniture and important documents to a safe place.

Flood season safety

No matter how great you prepare, natural disasters can be unpredictable, and your attempts to react quickly to potential threats during flood season may need to be sidelined in the event of an emergency. Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock over an adult, and a mere 12 inches of water is enough to carry away most cars. Do not compromise your own safety and the safety of your team and family.

When disaster strikes, evacuate the area or move to higher ground immediately, taking care to never drive into flooded roadways or around a barricade. More than half of flood fatalities are vehicle related, and many can be prevented by following safety precautions. When flooded, Turn Around Don’t Drown.

Look for help

When you’re ready to react to potential flooding threats, our team can help. We have equipment and personnel in 18 locations ready to serve you with on-hand cleanup supplies to mitigate risk to your property.

We’re here to help you with emergency flood response services during flood season and year round. Contact us at (800) 488-0910 or learn more about preparatory and responsive services.

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