PCB Contamination Handling

The Safe Handling Experts

PCBs have many environmental and DOT-specific regulations. EnviroServe’s team of experts and specialized equipment allow for the proper handling, labeling, packaging and potential disposal of PCB-related waste materials.


At EnviroServe, we are hazardous waste experts with experience and knowledge of how to recycle or dispose of regulated waste safely and properly, including TSCA-regulated materials. Our services consist of cleaning and managing PCB-contaminated materials, along with the removal of PCB-contaminated transformers for proper DOT and EPA handling.

Our Services Include the Following:

  • PCB Management Services
  • Triple scrub, wash & rinse
  • Encapsulation per 40 CFR 761.30 (p)
  • Characterization and disposal
  • Regulatory reporting
  • Dust-controlled concrete scarification & removal

Decontamination Services (Active & Decommissioned):

  • Transformers
  • Presses
  • Assembly lines
  • Pits, tanks and transfer lines

PCB Mega Rule

This compressive set of regulations covers the entire lifecycle of PCBs, from use and storage to disposal and cleanup.

  • PCB decontamination options
  • PCB grid sampling options
  • PCB grid sampling site characterization & confirmation sampling options
pictured: an EnviroServe worker wearing a yellow hazmat suit and gas mask closes a blue jug marked FLAMMABLE


text: ESSENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS | We are stewards of the environment, helping our customers manage waste and their environmental needs effectively, safely and more sustainably. EnviroServe | enviroserve.com | (800) 488-0910 | pictured: an EnviroServe truck drives near roadside mountains
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