Fort Worth, TX BNSF ICS320 Training
SUNPRO representatives recently attended the BNSF ICS320 training class in Fort Worth, Texas. This was a three-day BNSF Incident Management Team (IMT) course consisting of an overview of the concepts, principles and protocols of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS).
This training included incorporation of railroad-relevant materials and case studies exemplifying the adaptation of NIMS ICS to railroad emergency response activities and objectives. The team-building training utilized derailment scenarios designed to engage our local, regional and corporate BNSF IMT consisting of Hazmat, Environmental, Safety, Claims, and Public Affairs staff as well as local and regional incident management contractors and consultants.
SUNPRO was one of 9 national response companies asked to attend the training. Upon completion of the derailment scenario, attendees were asked to complete a final exam to insure compliance and understanding of the NIMS ICS organization. SUNPRO is now part of the BNSF National Incident Command Team available to respond to large incidents requiring the activation of the Incident Management Team.