Coronavirus Cleaning: What to look for & which service is best to disinfect & sanitize my facility?
COVID-19 is changing the way we view workplace sanitation. Gone are the days of cleaning only visible clutter, dirtiness, and contaminated surfaces. Novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is unseen, yet its effects are mandating social distancing, shuttering schools, and altering business throughout the world.
How do businesses best protect their team members and customers from coronavirus contamination? From cleaning your business yourself to hiring a janitorial service, restoration company, or decontamination crew, we walk you through what to look for to ensure you protect both your business and those employed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Use disinfectants that meet EPA’s criteria for COVID-19 cleaning
Ask your service about the disinfectants used to sanitize your facility as some disinfectants kill household and everyday germs, but are not proven to kill SARS-CoV-2. Look for
disinfectants that meet EPA’s criteria to battle SARS-CoV-2 contamination, and be sure your cleanup crew pays close attention to the contact time required for full treatment.
Wear Proper Protective Equipment (PPE)
COVID-19 exposure could create a health risk to those tasked to prevent its spread, so ensure your decontamination team uses
Proper Protective Equipment (PPE) when dealing with chemicals and/or infectious diseases. Cloth facemasks and latex gloves may not be sufficient to prevent COVID-19 contamination when coming in close contact with the virus; full-body coverage and respirators are the best defense.
Utilize a team skilled in biohazard & infectious disease decontamination
While COVID-19 is new, teams trained in biohazard response and infectious disease decontamination have pre-established Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for dealing with such outbreaks. Look for a company ready to respond, not one scrambling to put together solutions. Qualified professionals have experience decontaminating a range of
biohazard threats, including:
- Blood-borne pathogens
- Ebola
- Anthrax
- Clandestine drug labs
Properly dispose of generated waste from COVID-19 decontamination
Coronavirus cleanup is only as good as its disposal. Ask your service how and where they handle
contaminated waste disposal to ensure contamination is not continued. Professionals that specialize in decontamination in high hazard environments not only ensure safe and satisfactory solutions, but also provide transparency into their methods.
Trust the experts
When peace of mind counts, EnviroServe is here to help. “Where you need us, when you need us” is a promise, and we treat all
SafeSiteSM COVID-19 decontamination requests as emergencies. Whether you are looking for a one-time preventative service or ongoing decontamination service, our team is ready to help.
Contact us at (800) 488-0910 or
learn more.