5 Benefits of Industrial Cleaning & Shutdown Services

Spring has official sprung! Not only are flowers blooming and rain showers in full swing — spring also brings with it the need for spring cleaning. This includes a thorough industrial cleaning of your workplace to keep equipment running smoothly, ensure the safety of your team, and prolong the life of your facility. Often this heavy cleaning is done as part of a facility’s shutdown services.

Preparing for Shutdown Services & a Deep Clean

Before completing an industrial cleaning, identify your facility’s key problem areas. Once these areas are recognized, you can better prepare a plan to determine the best cleaning solution and then implement it.

Notably, each facility’s industrial cleaning plan will be specific to its location, industry, and line of work. Some common services to consider may include:

Benefits of Industrial Cleaning

Completing an industrial spring cleaning of your facility bears many benefits that can improve the overall quality of the company and workspaces, including:

1. Increase in Cleanliness and Organization

The first and most obvious benefit of industrial cleaning is the reduction of clutter and mess. Once a piece of equipment or area has been cleaned, it is much easier to identify if anything is out of place and/or any maintenance is required. This is also a great time to review inventory and dispose of expired or unused materials.

2. Better Protection of Personnel and the Environment

When industrial cleaning is performed, personnel and the environment are better protected. For example, when a proper cleaning has not been performed, personnel’s risk of exposure to hazards is higher. This can include exposure to hazardous materials that are harmful to both humans and the environment, i.e., corrosives and flammables.

3. Extension of Equipment Life

By conducting regular industrial cleaning and shutdown services at your facility, you can better ensure your equipment and machinery stay in good working order. In fact, completing recurrent upkeep saves you money by preventing downtime and prolonging the life of your equipment.

4. Growth of Productivity

Research shows that physical environments can have a significant impact on our cognition, emotions, behavior, decision making skills and stress and anxiety levels. With this said, by performing an industrial cleaning, companies are sure to boost productivity and overall company morale.

5. Establish and Sustain Standards

Once the equipment and the facility are clean, it is much easier to keep it that way. Standards of cleanliness should be set to establish good habits and housekeeping. To better keep the facility clean and the equipment running, a cleaning schedule can be created utilizing your team or the help of a professional industrial cleaning service.

Industrial Cleaning and Shutdown Services

For more information on industrial cleaning, including shutdown services, hazardous waste disposal, and universal waste removal, reach out to EnviroServe at (800) 488-0910.

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